Proposals Due Jan 13th: NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions at Clarkson University and SUNY ESF

The New York State Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions at Clarkson University and SUNY ESF (CoE) seeks to deliver synergistic problem-solving on the wide-range of water issues impacting the Empire State. The CoE is requesting proposals by January 13, 2023 for the following RFPs:

  • Healthy Water Solutions Seed Grant
  • Concept Commercialization/Implementation 

Seed Grant: A key requirement for the CoE is to demonstrate an ability to support economic development in New York.  The CoE is working to develop a portfolio of projects that will demonstrate the benefits of the CoE to the state in terms of answering critical water science questions while boosting employment, training the workforce, or developing new technologies that can be commercialized.  To meet this goal, the CoE is seeking concise proposals for seed funding. Seed funding can be used to support research, but it can also be used for activities such as workforce training workshops, high school STEM education, or development of plans to support commercialization of a technology. Click here for the Seed Grant RFP

Concept Commercialization/ Implementation: A primary objective of the Centers of Excellence (CoE) within New York State is to support technology commercialization or economic development. Besides involving the development of a product that can be sold or a technology that could be patented, in the context of water management this may entail implementation of practices that lead to tangible economic gains to municipalities or resource users, possibly in the form of reduced costs. Unlike the seed funding program, these funds are intended for more mature projects that are near a commercialization or implementation phase. Click here for the Concept Commercialization/Implementation RFP.

For inquiries, contact CoE Co-director Stefan Grimberg, Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Clarkson University ( 

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