We are saving trees! 22,684 pages saved in first 90 days. Find Me Printing with images showing 4.5 cases of paper saved, number of pages printed and saved in Nov, Dec, and Jan, and cost savings of $3,070.31 in that time period.

FindMe Printer Project Update

Clarkson’s Office of Information Technology is pleased to share that the last of the old printers are now removed from campus. We acknowledge individuals and areas that were inconvenienced by machines delayed for pickup. Thank you for working closely with our OIT staff to keep us informed of status and coordinate for alternate locations when possible.

In the three months since installation, the project has seen strong success with 40,000 jobs and 296,062 pages printed. The campus is realizing savings as well as increased convenience to printing. Find more below about the success of the FindMe printer project, and more about plans for giving back.

We are saving trees! 22,684 pages saved in first 90 days. Find Me Printing with images showing 4.5 cases of paper saved, number of pages printed and saved in Nov, Dec, and Jan, and cost savings of $3,070.31 in that time period.
Infographic: We are saving trees!

Good news and an alert: 

FindMe printing is saving money and paper. 22,684 pages have been saved as a result of abandoned jobs. This translates into four and half cases of paper and $3,070.31 in saved printing costs. Have you ever sent something to the printer and then changed your mind? That’s an abandoned job. Older printers instantly printed jobs to be left on the printer in a pile of unwanted print jobs ending up in the recycle bin. With Find Me printing – that is no more! Be sure to check out the infographic for more performance details.

Buyer Beware: Please DO NOT purchase or order replacement toner cartridges for FindMe printers. OIT has received word that outside vendors are contacting departments attempting to sell replacement supplies. Do not purchase. Replacement toner cartridges for the FindMe printers come directly from Clarkson’s official printer vendor and are distributed by OIT staff to devices located in departmental offices. FindMe printers automatically report when supplies are low or out, and indicate to our vendor and OIT for replacement. Centralized cost accounting which includes printing, toner and paper is underway with per print charges by printing activity being applied to departments. Please contact the Help Desk if you have questions.


We celebrate the success of this project along with the rest of our campus community. In appreciation for all the hard work, the FindMe printer project is giving back a portion of the savings by sponsoring 100 tree seedlings to be planted on the Potsdam campus this Spring as part of National Harbor Day and Clarkson’s Tree Campus USA efforts. The Office of Information Technology is proud to partner with the Office of Facilities & Services on this effort. In addition, OIT staff and project partners will soon take a brief pause at a shared lunch to celebrate the close of this important phase in the printer deployment project.

Project Recap:

  • September 2022: OIT first announced FindMe printing with a plan to install new devices campuswide. The new printers introduced a new cloud-based service which digitally transformed how we print moving forward. At that time, new printers promised to reduce waste, lower costs and improve access to printing. 
  • November 2022: The Potsdam campus saw the installation of forty-one new BizHub printers deployed to multiple public access locations and departmental offices. Since that time, all students, faculty and staff began Find Me printing from their desktop or mobile devices. 
  • February 2023: We mark the end of this initial phase of the project with the final removal of all old devices. In the three months since installation, the project has seen strong success with 40,000 jobs and 296,062 pages printed. The campus is realizing savings as well as increased convenience to printing. Students, faculty and staff are able to walk up to any device for quick, convenient access to their print jobs. In a recent example, Clarkson students attending our Spring career fair were able to print on their own resume paper at locations convenient to them in time to meet future employers at the fair. As we look to the future, we will seek to improve convenience by optimizing printer locations for even greater ease of access to printing for students and the campus community overall.


Office of Information Technology HelpDesk 315-268-HELP (x4357) or helpdesk@clarkson.edu

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