American Cancer Society hosting Relay For Life on March 25 

The American Cancer Society on Campus is hosting Relay For Life on March 25th from 4pm-midnight in the IRC! All are welcome to join us in honoring survivors and raising funds to support cancer research and cancer patients! Relay for Life is our largest event of the year. To learn more about what Relay is teams can visit the Relay for Life page. Our theme this year is Hollywood, titled “Spotlight on Cancer” ! It is $15 per person, with access to food and entertainment all day! We will have games and themed laps each hour! We will also be selling t-shirts at the event. 

Relay for Life page:

Are you or someone you know a cancer survivor and apart of the Clarkson University community? We are looking to honor survivors at the event. Please fill out this form by 3/24 at noon if you know someone we can honor!

Survivor Gift Form:

Organizations that would like to join us in philanthropy can run a table. The table fee is $100, which can be raised on our Relay Page by the day of the event through fundraising and donations. All members of that organization will have free access to the food and entertainment. Additionally, all Greek organizations will be able to receive 50% of the service hours, double what has been allowed by FSL in the past. If your organization would like to host a table to fundraise at the event, teams can sign up using the link below to register on the ACS website. Also, please fill out your team information on the excel sheet. You’ll also see an itinerary of events that will go on during certain hours in the middle of the IRC track. ACS will go through the sheet and set up a meeting with the team captains to go over how things will be ran on Friday 3/24. Items to be discussed are going over the team’s activities and how they will collect donations during the event. For any questions, please contact

Registration Link:

Team Spreadsheet:

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