Course Enrollment Reminders

Please keep the following things in mind throughout the fall term.  Contact SAS if you have any questions.


Per University Regulations III-F (Attendance), course instructors are requested to report 3 consecutive absences to the Dean of Students’ office, in order to provide a minimal check on the physical and academic well-being of the student. This may be done by phone, email, or online through SafetyNet.

Adding and Dropping Courses

The add/drop period will continue through the end of the second week of classes (Friday, September 7). Students may add/drop through PeopleSoft Self-Service during this time period. If a student is not able to add or drop a course themselves, they may fill out a paper add/drop form, and return the completed form to SAS for processing. Add/drop forms are not accepted by mail, fax, or email.

The electronic late add / drop form will become available after the 10th class day (undergraduate students only!)  Instructions for using the electronic add/drop form can be found online:

Assigning “F” Grades – Faculty Responsibilities

Federal Financial Aid regulations governing Title IV Federal Aid requires institutions to indicate whether or not the student attended and completed the course and earn the grade of F as opposed to a student who began the course and at some point during the semester stopped attending the class and ceased participating in academically related activities. In order for Clarkson to be in compliance with the federal regulations, faculty must retain documentation supporting the assignment of both an earned and unearned F grade. Documentation of an earned F grade must demonstrate that the student completed the course. Documentation of an unearned F grade must support the date recorded in PeopleSoft as the last date of attendance or academically related activity.

Krista Larock Wells, MBA
Associate Registrar

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