Danielle Whitham, a doctoral candidate from Colchester, VT will travel November 13 to 16 to Princeton, NJ, to accept the 2023 Eastern Analytical Symposium Graduate Student Research Award and present her work. Whitham is one of five students selected from many qualified nominees from all over the east coast.

Whitham is a current graduate student in the Biochemistry and Proteomics Laboratories led by Costel C. Darie, Professor of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science at Clarkson University. Her research focuses on determining a protein biomarker for breast cancer using human serum in hopes of earlier detection, prognosis and treatment of breast cancer. She hopes this research will give women of any age the opportunity to be screened for breast cancer.
“I am thrilled to have been awarded this, and it is a great opportunity to network, share my research and expand my knowledge in proteomics and other related fields,” said Whitham.
Whitham is the third graduate student from the Biochemistry and Proteomics Laboratories to receive such an award, following Armand G. Ngounou Wetie, who won it in 2014 and Emmalyn J. Dupree, who won it in 2018.
The members of the Biochemistry & Proteomics Laboratories are regular attendees at this conference for the past 10+ years. Only last year alone, nine members of the lab attended the Eastern Analytical Symposium. This year, together with Whitham, three other graduate students, Taniya Jayaweera, Pathea Bruno and Aneeta Arshad will attend this conference along with at least four undergraduate students.
This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant R15CA260126 awarded to Drs. Costel C. Darie, Brian Pentecost, Sumona Mondal, and David Fenyo.