Support Staff Council – Slate Training Session

The Support Staff Council is pleased to provide Slate Training (Phase 1) for the support staff group! It will be held on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 10:00 am in the Student Center MPRs.

For this Phase 1 session, Ron Boczarski from OIT will present to the group what  Slate is, how we use it here at CU, what it is used for on campus, and answer specific questions about Slate, including who has access to it, and you can ask about your use of the program. 

So we can prepare for how many staff would like to participate, we request that you pre-register for the session by completing a Google registration form linked here. Please register no later than Tuesday, June 13th by noon.

If you have any questions, please reach out to any Council member. We hope to see you there!

Ann Barrett  – Chair
Betsy Niles  – Vice Chair
Patrice Cole – Treasurer
Alycia Johnson – Secretary
Anna Fitzgerald – Parliamentarian

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