Recognize the Power of Choosing Kindness

Kindness is a part of prosocial behavior that can have a real and beneficial impact on both the giver and the receiver. Like offering a compliment or expressing a moment of gratitude, choosing to be kind to someone experiencing a momentary challenge or even a severe setback can ease feelings of uncertainty, isolation, and discomfort. A kind word or action can interrupt negative self-talk or a sense of misadventure and provide even a moment of support that just might occur at a time when such encouragement creates the most beneficial outcome.

Yet, choosing kindness is not easy for many. It requires students to physically interact with others and at times when it may feel inconvenient. Students may not know how to respond to someone who is in need, or they may not want to trespass into a situation that they do not fully understand. Some students may avoid kindness out of a fear that they will appear soft, weak, or being overly concerned with others.

Being kind may require students to put aside time spent on other activities or to be willing to step outside of their comfort zones, but doing so is important for them, because it allows students to develop the experiences necessary to recognize someone who needs assistance and to begin to understand how to carefully navigate assisting someone who may be sensitive or uncomfortable with receiving outside help.

“Do you need help?” Asking someone if they need assistance is one way to offer kindness. Simply asking the question indicates a level of recognition that helps the other party feel that they are not alone and that someone else can see that they are facing a challenge.

Additionally, giving a supportive compliment, offering a small token of friendship or affection, or providing some momentary interaction can all help brighten the day of someone who’s going through a tough time. Small acts of kindness can often have immense impacts, and students who learn to recognize how small gestures can benefit others will be quick to find ways to be supportive even if they can’t commit to more involved or ongoing levels of assistance.
WellConnect provides confidential consultations with a licensed professional for faculty and staff regarding student problems or concerns. In addition, our team is available to discuss behavioral and classroom management issues. If a student comes to you with a situation and you’re not sure what to say, please call our 24/7 FAST-Line at 844-208-7070. The FAST (Faculty Administrator Support Team) Line can be a valuable resource for navigating complex, sensitive or high-risk student situations. Our counselors will consult with you on the situation and help you develop a plan to assist the student. Of course, you can give the student the WellConnect student number, 866-640-4777, and encourage them to call, or even dial the number and hand the student the phone in a location where they will have privacy while talking to a WellConnect counselor. Working collaboratively, we can help students achieve their personal, educational and career goals. 

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