Choosing Kindness

Choosing to be kind can have far-reaching effects by putting positive energy into the world. You might make a difference in someone’s day while also boosting your own mood. Here are some benefits to choosing kindness and suggestions for making it part of your daily routine.

Your Overall Wellbeing

Incorporating kindness into your life can positively affect your mood, outlook, and self-esteem. Additionally, it can help lower blood pressure and stress levels. By being kind to others, you are also reaping the benefits. Don’t focus too much on how others respond or expect anything in return; aim to be kind for the sake of being kind.

Be Mindful of How You Communicate 

When interacting with others, consider your tone of voice, non-verbal expressions, and how you are communicating overall. For example, during class discussions, you might not always see eye to eye with other students. Try to understand where other people are coming from when they have a differing opinion. Pay special attention to how you deliver your point of view. You can do so in a way that is tactful and expresses kindness and respect for your classmates. This will help to increase your empathy and connectivity with others.

Cut People Some Slack

Sometimes you might get caught up in how you want an interaction to play out or how you want a situation to unfold. When it doesn’t go your way, you might feel annoyed by someone else’s actions. It can be easy to judge others, without knowing what they might be going through in their lives at that moment. Try to cut people some slack and show them kindness even when they don’t seem to be approaching you in the same way. 

Show Your Gratitude for Others

Make sure to show your appreciation for others when they do something kind for you or go out of their way to help you. Other people appreciate being recognized for their efforts. It’s easy to have thoughts of gratitude, but make sure you actually show and verbalize it. A big part of kindness is thanking others when they are there to support you and reciprocating when the opportunity arises. Also, this has the benefit of strengthening your relationships.

Being Kind to Yourself

Consider whether you are kind to yourself most days—in your thoughts and self-talk. Some people find it more challenging to be kind to themselves than others. If you want to put more kindness out into the world, start with yourself.

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