STEM LEAF/ADVANCE July 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the July edition of the STEM LEAF/ADVANCE Newsletter! 

Clarkson’s NSF ADVANCE grant is designed 

1) to effect positive institutional change around reduction of implicit or unintentional bias associated with gender and intersectional issues of race, ethnicity, country of origin, sexual orientation, and disability, 

2) to systematically and equitably support the development of inclusive leadership skills and the professional advancement of women STEM faculty, and 

3) to implement sustainable, systematic changes across the University in support of these goals. 

We’d like to congratulate two of our grant co-PIs, Dr. Jen Ball & Dr. Laura Ettinger, on their recent promotions to full professor! 


DEI Legislation Tracker in The Chronicle of Higher Education

“The Chronicle is tracking legislation that would prohibit colleges from having diversity, equity, and inclusion offices or staff; ban mandatory diversity training; prohibit institutions from using diversity statements in hiring and promotion; or prohibit colleges from using race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in admissions or employment.”

The Talent Equation: 2023 HR Best Practices for Higher Education Leaders by Inside Higher Education

“A compilation of opinion pieces on hiring and recruiting talent.”

Webinar: “We’ve Broken Through the Glass Ceiling and We’re Still Getting Cut: A Workshop on Women in Leadership” on August 2nd at 10am

“The Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine is hosting a workshop on women in leadership. This workshop will draw attention to prevailing conceptions of leadership and cultural expectations of leaders that hinder women’s advancement and consider the pathways women take to leadership and where they may find their paths diverted. Attendees will also hear from women leaders in academia about their lived experiences.”

Re-Sharing for maximum exposure:

UMass ADVANCE has shared three news tools to aid faculty in creating, continuing, and crediting equitable collaborations:

Creating Equitable Research Collaborations

Continuing Research Collaboration Relationships

Crediting Collaboration Equitably
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at  If you’d like to keep up with information like this regularly, you can follow our Twitter account @ClarksonADVANCE.  (Our PI team consists of Marc Christensen, Jen Ball, Laura Ettinger, William Jemison, & Stephanie Schuckers. Our Project Director is Sarah Treptow.)

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