Electrical & Computer Engineering Newsletter: August 2023

Message From the Chair

Golden Knights in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department change the world. This issue of our newsletter offers an array of stories that exemplify the impactful work members of our community do in all stages of their careers.

— Paul McGrath, Professor/Chair of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Future in Research

An NSF grant will fund 10 students per summer in the Research Experiences for Undergraduate program for another three years. The students work closely with faculty mentors to investigate novel high-performance computing solutions for a variety of engineering problems that are critical to national security, scientific discovery and technological innovation. Read More About the NSF Grant for Our REU Site

Alumnus Address

Rajan Raghavan MS’82 keynoted May’s graduate commencement ceremony. A serial entrepreneur, Raghavan is a University trustee and founder of The Fabric, which co-creates cloud infrastructure companies with other entrepreneurs. Read More About Rajan Raghavan’s Commencement Address

Prof in Japan

Prof. Dana Barry traveled to Japan to provide women with tips for pursuing research opportunities. She also shared her unique and creative career experience with students. Read More About Prof. Barry’s Japan Trip


Clarkson is consistently named a best-value college known for giving students a great return on their investment. We recently placed in the Top 40 on Stacker’s list of the 100 colleges whose grads go on to earn the most. The Stacker rankings, compiled using PayScale data, also highlighted that Clarkson grads report salaries more than 10 percent higher than the national average. Read About Our Great ROI

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