Reckoning with Racism in Medicine Book Club Discussion

The Potsdam Public Library, the Clarkson Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity student group (COTAD), and the Clarkson University Health Sciences Library are hosting a book club discussion on Sarah M. Broom’s award-winning memoir The Yellow House.

Who:   Anyone!
What:  The Yellow House: a Memoir by Sarah M. Broom
When: October 26th & November 9th @ 6pm > attend one or both
Where: Potsdam Public Library at 2 Park Street, Potsdam

A book of great ambition, Sarah M. Broom’s The Yellow House frames an epic, fascinating, empathetic history of New Orleans within the life of one woman, her family, and the home they grew up in. The book is at once intimate and sprawling, spinning dozens of stories in what amounts to a vital reframing of a misrepresented community, and an urgent meditation on the American dream. The book illustrates how enduring drives of clan, pride, and familial love resist and defy erasure.The house was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, and Broom writes about the racial and economic inequality that has haunted New Orleans for decades. The Yellow House is a brilliant memoir of place, class, race, the seeping rot of inequality, and the internalized shame that often follows. It is a transformative, deeply moving story.

Book club participants will receive a newly designed Potsdam Public Library T-shirt.

The Health Sciences Library has copies of the book to borrow. 

Contact with questions

This event is part of the Reckoning with Race & Racism in Healthcare and Medicine project funded by an Action Grant from the Northern New York Library Network (NNYLN):

• To support opportunities for intentional learning and contemplation of the challenges posed by the historical legacies of racism and racial bias on medicine, medical education, medical research, and healthcare practice.
• To spur dialogue about the disparities and systematic injustices that exist in American healthcare.
• To inspire proactive and deliberate change toward equitable and just healthcare practices and medical research.

You can learn more on the project website

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