President’s Challenge: Stage 3 Events and Open Prototyping!

Attention all students! Stage 3 of the President’s Challenge is now underway, meaning it’s time to continue prototyping your collectible!

Be sure to attend the third Subject Matter Expert lesson on Wednesday, October 4th, at 6:30 PM in the ERC Atrium. During this 30-minute presentation, Kevin and Charlotte MacVittie (’11, M’14, & ’16) will share important information about how to properly prototype your collectible and brand it in a unique Clarkson way. Don’t miss out on these tips and advice!

Also, throughout the week are open prototyping hours in the Experiential Classroom (ERC 1501). Stop in when you’re free to use the prototyping supplies there and test what might work for your collectible! More information on these hours can be found at

We hope to see you at these events!

More information about the President’s Challenge can be found at

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