Zoom Recordings that are Older than 30 Days and stored in the Zoom Cloud will be Deleted

To: Clarkson Zoom Account Holders

From: Office of Information Technology

Date: October 2, 2023

Subject: Zoom Recordings that are Older than 30 Days and stored in the Zoom Cloud will be Deleted


Starting on October 16, 2023, ALL Zoom recordings that are older than 30 days and are stored in the Zoom cloud will be permanently deleted. This is consistent with our Zoom – Recording Lifecycle policy published since 2020

This action impacts Zoom account holders who have elected to override the default setting in their accounts to save longer than 30 days or those who have elected to disable automatic deletions. Starting October 15, 2023, those options are no longer available and recordings will no longer be stored in the Zoom cloud for more than 30 days from date of recording. 

Act Now: 

First, Clarkson Zoom account holders should look to see if you have Zoom recordings saved to the Zoom cloud that are 30 or more days since the recording date:

  • Login to clarkson.zoom.us 
  • Click the Recordings tab, 
  • Search for videos older than September 1, 2023.
  • See image below.  

Next, if you wish to retain any of these recordings for future use you must download and save to an alternate location:


  • Zoom Cloud recordings can be set up to sync automatically to your account in Echo360. Check your Echo360 Library to see if they are already there or to set that up. Echo360 Sign In. 
  • Alternatively, you can upload video files manually to Echo360. How to: Add media to Echo360
  • Google Drive
  • Personal local or network drive

Reason for this Action:

Zoom recently informed Clarkson’s account administrators that we are exceeding our cloud storage limit which will result in additional charges to the University. Upon review of account settings, we discovered that it has been possible for individuals to customize the setting in their accounts to override the default 30 day limit. This is causing a large, unanticipated store of video files. 

The university currently invests in alternate storage services with Echo360, Google Drive and network storage. To prevent additional fees to the University, Zoom cloud storage policies will be strictly enforced and individuals are encouraged to make use of available alternate storage options.


Office of Information Technology 

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