Construction Activity Around Campus May Affect You

Educational Resource Center – As part of the ERC renovation, it is necessary for us to close off and isolate the corridor outside Campus Safety & Security (indicated by the red box below).  This area will be closed off from Monday, March 18 until Sunday, March 31.  Campus Safety will make necessary adjustments in order to continue to provide uninterrupted service.  Further information to come.


Science Center – Our contractor is prepared to begin work on the Science Center roof on March 21, depending upon weather conditions.  This work will take approximately one month.

The plan is to replace the roof of the first floor along with the roof on the second floor as indicated below.  This plan addresses the majority of the roof leak issues logged over the past few years.


Riverside Apartments – The future of Riverside buildings 2, 3 and 4 includes infilling the spaces between the buildings to add bedrooms and kitchens and to create a housing community among the spaces.  The majority of this work is slated for this coming summer.  However, we have been given approval to begin outside work as early as April 1, weather permitting.  The work day will be from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Cheel – As previously announced, the walkway from lower Cheel parking lot to the campus, on the back side of Cheel, indicated in red below, will be closed to all foot traffic the week of March 11.  The temporary gate we installed will be closed.  As part of the Cheel Arena renovation, a crane will be brought onto the site making it unsafe for pedestrians.  Please plan to follow signage and orange fencing which will direct foot traffic around to the front of the building towards Price Hall.


Please email if you have any questions.

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