Join the Maker Mentors in learning how to use the AxiDraw! The AxiDraw, a 2D pen plotter, can be used to create posters, cards, artwork, and any other kind of drawing. Make a design and learn how to send it to the AxiDraw to perfectly trace the design onto paper or any other material or flat surface. For this week’s workshop the project will be using the AxiDraw to create your own Thanksgiving Cards. Register for this week’s workshop or any upcoming workshops this semester at:

Ignite Dorf Makerspace Workshop – Create your Own Thanksgiving Cards – Sunday November 12

Join the Maker Mentors in learning how to use the AxiDraw! The AxiDraw, a 2D pen plotter, can be used to create posters, cards, artwork, and any other kind of drawing. Make a design and learn how to send it to the AxiDraw to perfectly trace the design onto paper or any other material or flat surface. For this week’s workshop the project will be using the AxiDraw to create your own Thanksgiving Cards. Register for this week’s workshop or any upcoming workshops this semester at:

Join the Maker Mentors in learning how to use the AxiDraw!

The AxiDraw, a 2D pen plotter, can be used to create posters, cards, artwork, and any other kind of drawing. Make a design and learn how to send it to the AxiDraw to perfectly trace the design onto paper or any other material or flat surface. For this week’s workshop the project will be using the AxiDraw to create your own Thanksgiving Cards.

Register for this week’s workshop or any upcoming workshops this semester at:

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