Task Force update, 11/8/23

Dear colleagues,

The Re-imagining Clarkson Task Force is continuing to work with diligence.  This message contains an update on our work, and some FAQ below.

What has the Task Force been doing this week?

In the past week, the Task Force has focused its efforts on our charge of Re-imagining Clarkson, considering a number of options for how restructuring might enable the delivery of STEAM-focused (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math)  programs, and considering what current features of our campus (including programs, facilities, and other offerings) we might be able to do without in the short- to medium-term.  We have also been in close contact with nationwide colleagues from other institutions who have embarked on similar initiatives to learn from their best practices.  We are also exploring savings through benchmarking salaries and other reorganization and staffing adjustments.

What can I do to help?
You can send your suggestions to suggestions@clarkson.edu ; all incoming suggestions are read, logged and considered (though we certainly can’t give personalized replies to all.)  In particular, we value your input about things that are “nice to have” at Clarkson, but that perhaps we could do without in the short- to medium-term.  We also encourage you to work directly with the School-level Task Forces to evaluate the feasibility of your suggestions.

We plan to send our next update in one week.


The Re-imagining Clarkson Task Force
Tom Langen (co-chair, A&S)
Alex Cohen (co-chair,A&S)
Allan Zebedee (Reh)
Amanda Pickering (Provost Office)
Amber Stephenson (Reh)
Brian Helenbrook (Coulter)
Goodarz Ahmadi (Coulter)
Laura Ettinger (A&S)
Laurel Kuxhaus (Coulter)
Salome Brooks (Lewis)
Stephanie Schuckers (Coulter)

FAQ: (new/updated questions are marked with an *)

Q: How can I reach the Task Force?

A: The best way is to use suggestions@clarkson.edu – we all have access to those messages.

Q: Will there be a way to send suggestions and comments anonymously?

A: Task Force members are happy to put forth suggestions on your behalf without revealing your identity.

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