Seeking Faculty and Staff as Participants for a Study on the Subjective Experience of Virtual Reality

Student wearing VR goggles sitting at screen

Virtual reality is a potentially transformative technology for the enhancement of student learning. Despite its advantages, use of virtual reality in the classroom remains rare. There are many possible reasons for this lack of uptake. One is that virtual reality remains an unfamiliar technology for a majority of people. Thus, if they choose to use it for teaching or learning purposes, it may be their first time interfacing with the technology.

The purpose of our study is to examine the quality of the user experience in VR, for both new and more established users, with the aim of helping educators understand the logistics of incorporating virtual reality into their teaching. We seek a wide range of participants (13 – 60 years old) with no active nausea or a history of seizures to visit our lab, try virtual reality, and describe their personal experiences to us. Since we seek to understand the experiences of both students and instructors, faculty and staff participants are especially welcome.

To facilitate participation by faculty and staff, we will be scheduling study visits during exam week.

If you are interested in participating, please email us at:

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