The Student Snowflake Social is on 1/26

Join Ski and Snowboard Club, OSL, Residence Life and CUB for a Snowflake Social on Friday, January 26th from 9-11pm in and outside of the Student Center after the Clarkson vs. SLU Hockey Game! 

All events and activities are free to all Clarkson students!

  • Participate in snow games with Ski Club (Cheel Lawn)
  • Dance at a semi-formal dance in the MPRs with CUB (MPRs)
  • Get fireside hot cocoa in a one-of-a-kind mug with Residence Life (Firepit)
  • Make a stuffed animal friend with OSL (Forum)
  • Create crafty winter creations for your room (OSL suite)
  • Check out equipment at the front desk with your friends (Stu Ctr front desk)
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