Protect Your Belongings with Renters Insurance

A person sitting on a bed with a laptop, engrossed in work while floating with their belongings in water

When students go off to college, they take a lot of their belongings with them. But what if your personal property is stolen, lost, or damaged?  When damage occurs, renters insurance can help cover the costs of replacing or repairing your possessions.  Coverage can vary by state and insurer so read your policy carefully. Consider checking with the insurance provider your parents or guardians use as a starting point. 

Renters insurance coverage helps protect students from losses in multiple ways, including:

Safeguard Possessions: Renters insurance can help cover losses when personal possessions are lost or damaged due to fire, water, lightning, windstorms, hail, explosions, smoke, or vandalism, or if they are stolen. Keep in mind that certain items like laptops, expensive jewelry, or musical instruments may need additional coverage.

Affordable Peace of Mind: Renters insurance is often more affordable than people realize. Many policies offer comprehensive coverage at a reasonable cost, making it an accessible investment for students. Considering the potential costs of replacing your belongings, the benefits far outweigh the expense.

Renters Insurance for Off-Campus Housing

If a student lives off-campus in an apartment or house, typically most landlords will require the student to acquire renters insurance as part of the lease agreement. That’s because the landlord’s insurance usually only covers the building, not the tenant’s possessions.

Even if renters insurance is not required by the lease, it is something you should look into.

The University does not carry insurance of any kind on the property of students and accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to such property. Students are encouraged to carry their own personal property insurance.

When considering renters insurance, we recommend researching reputable insurance providers and comparing policies to find one that suits your needs and budget. It’s a small investment that can make a significant difference in protecting your belongings and ensuring a smooth college experience.

The University does not endorse any specific insurance provider. Questions about renters insurance should be directed to your prospective provider.

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