Get Trained in Mental Health First Aid

Poster. All text can be found below the image of the poster.

Do you feel prepared to support someone who is struggling with mental health challenges and help them connect with appropriate resources? 

Join over 360 students, faculty, and staff who have become 

Mental Health First Aid certified on campus since Fall of 2021.  

MHFA is skills-based training that teaches people how to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of a mental health or substance use challenge. Similar to physical First Aid and CPR, MHFA helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis until professional assistance is obtained or the crisis is resolved.

Our workshop will be offered this semester on:

February 22 (9 – 4:30p) 

Workshops are free for students. 

For questions or to sign up for any of our scheduled workshops, email

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