Understanding Healthcare UMR Sessions 2/13/2024 – RSVP Today!

Do you understand all the ins and outs of healthcare? Are you aware of all the features and services offered by UMR? We are happy to announce that Clarkson’s Strategic Account Executive with UMR Shawn Jacobs will be here ‘in-person’ to present on understanding healthcare and all that UMR has to offer.

February 13, 2024

Student Center, Multipurpose Rooms ABC

Session 1: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Session 2: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM *Participants are welcome to bring their lunch

RSVP is required, please sign up by Friday, 2/9/2024.

*Minimum 40 participants per session for in-person sessions.

For questions, please email clarksonhr@clarkson.edu.

Thank you,

Traci Giffin, Benefits Manager

Human Resources

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