Inviting individuals from ages 18-80 years old to participate in a study of computer typing behavior

Dr. Daqing Hou performs research in behavioral user authentication and is looking for subjects willing to participate in his research efforts. You must be >=18 years of age to participate. The project involves studying continuous human computing activity, specifically mouse and keyboard behaviors, to determine their effectiveness (either alone or in conjunction with traditional methods) as a means of human verification. 

We are in CAMP111. If you choose to participate, we will share instructions and assist you with beginning the data collection process. Data collection will run a data logger in a web browser. Mouse and keystroke data will be collected using your computer whenever you’d like; data will be securely maintained on a server hosted by Clarkson University. You will be given tasks to fill out common forms such as purchasing a flight ticket. 

If you choose to participate, your involvement will include one data collection session that will last about one hour; your mouse and keystroke data will be collected using the logger software. After a successful session, you will be compensated with $20. 

If you are still interested in participating, please email us at with the days and times you are available to participate in our research (8:00 to 4:30, Mondays to Fridays). Our scheduler will respond to you to set up an appointment. We are in CAMP111.

This data collection protocol has been approved through the Clarkson Institutional Review Board. Approval #:  24-20

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Contact information for the Clarkson Institutional Review Board:

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