C3S2 Seminar Friday March 15th


The Clarkson Center for Complex Systems Science

Professor Bard Ermentrout, University of Pittsburgh

Will present a talk entitled:

Riding the Neural Waves: Mathematics of Nonlocally Coupled Waves in Active Media

Abstract: Recent improvements in technology have enabled neuroscientists to simultaneously record activity of many neurons at high spatial and temporal resolution. This has allowed them to discover that activity is organized into a variety of spatial patterns such as plane waves, bullseyes, and rotating waves.  In this talk, I want to distinguish two different classes or wave-like activity: (1) evoked waves or “trigger waves”, and (2) phase waves.  In the former, the onset of activity in one area requires prior activity in a neighboring area, while in the latter, the apparent wave motion is a consequence of timing differences between areas.  I will present some recent results on the role of inhibition in controlling the propagation and stability of trigger waves and then consider a class of nonlocally coupled phase equations to describe patterns in an intrinsically oscillatory medium.   Finally, I will present some work showing how ongoing phase waves can promote the propagation of trigger waves in an anisotropic manner.


Friday, March 15th 2024

12:00 pm


C3S2 Clarkson Center for Complex Systems Science l  http://webspace.clarkson.edu/~ebollt/Website-C3S2/index.html

CLARKSON UNIVERSITY  l  Potsdam, New York 13699-5720

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