Aerial view of Clarkson's Science Center building and nearby parking lots with red lines indicating where work will be taking place.

Science Center Roof Replacement Project Resumes

Beginning May 13 and continuing for roughly six weeks, the last section of the Science Center roof will be replaced with new rubber roofing. Crews will be working Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Aerial view of Clarkson's Science Center building and nearby parking lots with red lines indicating where work will be taking place.

At times the west and north walkways will be closed down for loading and unloading onto the roof.  

There will be drilling noise for the duration of the project.  Additionally, there will be a small amount of non-friable asbestos abatement that will take place in order to remove old asphalt flashing.  All abatement work will take place on the roof elevations with appropriate controls measures in place. There is no risk to those working in the building.

Please contact Facilities & Services,, with any questions or concerns.

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