Welcome, Clarkson Class of 2028!

Welcome to Clarkson and the Class of 2028! We look forward to seeing you and your classmates on campus this Fall!

I joined the Clarkson community as Clarkson’s 17th President in 2022. I was drawn to Clarkson because of the incredible student outcomes it is renowned for: 98% placement rate and Top 2% salaried jobs with career trajectories headed for the CEO and senior executive suites. Since coming to Clarkson, I’ve learned that it’s the faculty, staff, and student experiences that make these outcomes possible, and make Clarkson a special place. I can’t wait for you to experience it firsthand.

Like the faculty, staff, and fellow students that you’ll meet when you arrive on campus, I look forward to meeting and learning more about you. You can often find me joining the Pep Band during the 3rd period of our Men’s and Women’s home hockey games (I play a mean frying pan!) or cooking pancakes for students during special late-night events. When you see me, I hope you’ll stop and say hi.

This is the first of many introductions you’ll receive in the coming months. We all want to make sure that your transition to college is seamless, thoughtful, and fun, and you’ll be hearing from many of our faculty and staff directly. In addition to watching for these emails, I encourage you to follow our official Class of 2028 Instagram account, so that we can continue to introduce new people and resources to you. 

If you haven’t already, you’ll also be introduced to your student success advisor (SSA). This staff member will serve as your main point of contact for questions you may have as you prepare for the Fall. Your SSA should have already reached out to you via email and I hope you’re enjoying connecting with them. If they haven’t, please check your Golden Knight Gateway for their contact information.

This Summer, we will be hosting a number of Clarkson Welcome Picnics, many of which I will be attending. These events offer you and your family the opportunity to meet other new students and families from your area, as well as Clarkson students, staff and alumni. These are a fun opportunity to introduce yourself to our Golden Knight Community before you ever set foot on campus. If I don’t make it to yours, I will be there when you move into your new home on campus this Fall. You can view the upcoming picnics on your Golden Knight Gateway

I look forward to seeing you in August.

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