Research and Project Showcase on July 24th

Research and Project Showcase (RAPS)

Agenda- July 24th 2024

8:15 am Student Check-In Open, Come 15 minutes Before Your Presentation Time -1st Floor ERC
Judges sign in 15 minutes prior to their first session on the 1st Floor of the ERC,
then go to their Presentation Rooms

8:15 am Moderators sign in on the 1st Floor of the ERC, then go to their Presentation Rooms

8:30 – 10:10 am. Undergraduate Oral Presentations
Undergraduate students are presenting in one of five tracks.
Each track session will be held in a different room.

10:15 am. Judges Break. Rooms are prepared for Graduate Oral Presentations.

10:00 – Noon. Undergraduate & Graduate Poster Presentations

10:30 – Noon. Graduate Oral Presentations
Graduate students are presenting in one of three tracks.
Each track session will be held in a different room.

12:00 pm. Lunch Break (No Lunch will be provided)

12:45 pm. Pitch-Off Judges meet at ERC 1501 for briefing before the event.

1:00 – 2:00 pm. Undergraduate Student Pitch-Off
1st Floor ERC – Undergraduate (oral and poster) top scorers will give a three-minute elevator pitch of their research to the general audience and compete for cash prizes.

2:00 – 2:30 pm. Graduate Student Pitch-Off
1st Floor ERC – Graduate (oral and poster) top scorers will give a three-minute
presentation of their research to the general audience and compete for cash prizes.

3:00 – 3:30 pm. Student Awards
1st Floor ERC

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