Clarkson Hearing & Auditory Lab Seeking Paid Participants for a Study of Selective Attention

Clarkson’s Hearing and Attention Lab (HAL) seeks participants for a study of selective attention. To date, our understanding of attention has been disproportionately informed by visual research. At HAL, we are hoping to change this by developing auditory versions of classic attention tasks. The purpose of this project is to compare one of our new tasks, an auditory “flanker” task to a visual version of the task.  The study will help support uptake of the task by other researchers, improving our understanding of the similarities and differences between auditory and visual attention.

Interested participants who are at least 18 years old, understand English at a conversational level, and who have have no hearing or attention deficits will complete two different computerized tasks during a 1.5 hour visit to our lab. An honorarium of $25 is provided.

To participate in this study, please contact us at

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