Following Up on Faculty & Staff Invitations to Sessions on Aug 14

Your RSVP for the Faculty and Staff Sessions with the Board and Leadership are Appreciated by end of today.  We appreciate that more than half of our fellow employees have already responded.

All faculty and staff were sent an email invitation from the Board of Trustees to convene in one of five school, academic or administration-based dialogue sessions led by members of the board and leadership from those respective areas from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.* on Wednesday, August 14.  Following these sessions, all employees are invited to join the trustees for a reception in the Schuler Educational Resources Center from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.

These sessions are broken out: 

  • Coulter School of Engineering and Applied Sciences  | Lecture Classroom | CAMP #177
  • Lewis School of Health and Life Sciences | Lecture Classroom | Clarkson Science Center #160
  • Reh School of Business | Petersen Board Room  | Snell Hall #330
  • Provost’s Office & Its Divisions | Lecture Classroom  | Snell Hall #213
  • *All Other Staff from Remaining University Divisions Broken into Two Sessions to Choose One, Allowing Office Coverage to Remain for all Operations:   Group 1 – 1:30 -2:30 PM; Group 2 2:30-3:30 PM   Lecture Classroom | Clarkson Science Center #360

In person attendance is encouraged for employees who live near Potsdam. . A unique zoom link was included in the invitation for each session as well for remote participation.  

Your RSVP by 8/9 for attending the dialogue and reception is appreciated. 

If you did not receive your invitation sent Wednesday, please email Kelly Chezum to resend your invitation and/or confirm your group.  

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