“In this Together” therapy group for Fall 2024

a flier with green, yellow and light green graphics in the left-hand corner. At the top of the flier it states Fall 2024-SHAC Counseling Group. Underneath in yellow writing is the group name: In This Together. Following the group name is the following description: Want a safe space to talk about topics like: overthinking, navigating conflict and managing stress? Group therapy offers a unique opportunity to discuss topics you've wondered about with the support of a licensed counselor. Members pick the topics and we all discuss. The group starts on September 18th. There is contact information that reads the following: Contact shac@clarkson.edu or 315-268-6633 for any questions. Next to the description of the group, there is group of five individuals in a semi-circle sitting in chairs and above the image is a blurb giving the day and time of group: Wednesdays at 5:30pm at ERC 2207A

The “In this Together” therapy group for Fall 2024 will begin on September 18th. Group therapy offers the chance to hear from the perspectives of your peers, to discover you are not alone in whatever you are navigating, and to discuss topics you’ve wondered about with the support of a licensed counselor. Topics discussed are based on group members’ suggestions. Some topics covered have been; navigating stress and conflict, setting boundaries, and strategies for self-care. You don’t have to go through the Counseling Center to attend, you can just show up as you are able. The “In this Together” counseling group takes place on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30pm in ERC 2207A. If you have any questions, you can email dmaya@clarkson.edu or you can call 254-268-6633.

                                                                                                                                                             This group runs from 09/18/2024- 11/27/2024
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