Dear Residents,
The Residence Life Office and Facilities wish you a wonderful October break! Please remember as you leave campus the weather this time of year can be unpredictable.

Students should do the following:
- Keep residential windows closed.
- Turn on the heating system to maintain a comfortable temperature.
- Remove any garbage from your rooms and dispose of it properly.
- Power off any electronic devices that are not currently in use.
- Secure your residence by locking all doors.
Remember to follow these tasks to ensure a safe and energy-efficient environment.
Students do not need to use Knight Life to request to stay on campus during the October break, as the campus will remain open.
During Break, students must remember to abide by all campus policies and regulations in addition to local/state/federal laws.
For those who are staying on campus and need assistance please note the following resources:
- There will be no RAs/HAs on duty during this break. There will be an Area Coordinator (Residence Life professional staff member) available to assist you Friday/Saturday from 8 p.m.-1 a.m. reachable via your areas RA/HA telephone and 8 p.m.-11 p.m. Sunday and Monday
- RAs/HAs will resume their normal duty on Tuesday evening
- Campus Safety will be available 24/7 via phone at 315-268-6666 and their office is located in the ERC on the first floor
- Facilities can be reached via phone at 315-268-4000 or after hours/on weekends through Campus Safety
- The campus KnightWatch reporting service is available but is not monitored 24/7
Clarkson’s Offices and Departments will be operational on Monday and Tuesday for their usual schedules.
To view the academic calendar click here Academic Calendar
If you are staying on campus for the break please review the attached dining schedule
and plan for your meals accordingly. While meal swipes are not accepted during this break, knight card, declining balance, credit/debit, and cash will be accepted.
The food pantry will be open during normal operation hours M-F, 8:00 am-4:30 pm and is located in Price Hall on the first floor.
We wish you a wonderful October Break!