Clarkson University Material Advantage Club becomes Chartered

Clarkson University logo over Material Advantage Logo

Clarkson University’s Material Advantage club became chartered by the Board of Trustees (Directors) of the four parent professional organizations (AIST, TMS, AcerS, and ASM) on November 14, 2024. In their congratulatory and welcome email, the parent organizations express their delight in officially approving Clarkson’s chapter, “We are thrilled to have you join a community that includes more than 112 other Material Advantage Chapters around the world… To officially welcome you to the program, please see attached for a digital charter and formal welcome letter. Additionally, as a new chapter, you are issued a one-time payment of $150 to assist with programming and activities… Again, congratulations on this landmark accomplishment. We hope through your continued efforts and 

dedication, this student chapter will thrive in the future.”

In their acceptance, Clarkson University’s Material Advantage expressed their appreciation and promised to stand firm by their responsibilities to all members, partner organizations, and the community.  The club also promised to stay committed to its plans and goals. 

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