Here at Clarkson, our students get involved in sustainability projects, even when the projects aren’t required for a class! Our students are passionate about using their knowledge and skills to make the world a better place, and one group that exemplifies this Golden Knight trait is Engineers for International Sustainability. EIS is a student club working on numerous environmental engineering projects. According to EIS Co-President Kelsey Hamilton, the club currently has five active project groups: Algae Panel, Rainwater Harvesting, Aquaponics, Solar Bench, and the Uganda project team. Hamilton shared the following information about each project:

- Algae Panel is a series of tubes through which a solution housing the algae flows. As the microalgae flow through the tube, it captures 10-50 times more carbon dioxide than terrestrial plants like trees.
- Rainwater Harvesting is working on rebuilding the system that was on the greenhouse. The previous system has weathered some damage from the winters, so they are working to create a more resilient system so that Garden Club can use the water for their plants. We are really excited about this project, as it is one of the projects we plan to implement when we travel to Uganda this spring!
- Aquaponics is creating a system in the greenhouse that harnesses the symbiotic relationship that fish and plants share. They are working on getting a properly sized pump for the system, but we are hopeful that it will be up and running soon.
- Solar Bench has made great progress this semester, and they have landed on a design similar to a solar bench St. Lawrence University installed on their campus years ago. They are currently in the process of finding a faculty or staff member to support the project team to ensure the project is seen through, even after the current project team members graduate. We are hopeful that we will have a final design by the end of this school year and can begin breaking ground in the year ahead.
- The Uganda Project team is excited for the trip we plan to take this spring. We will be carrying out two projects when we travel: the rainwater harvesting system and a well system. This will be the 11th well EIS has sponsored in our partner town, Kinyamaseke. These previous well systems provide water to over 18,000 people. The rainwater harvesting system will likely be installed at the school in town both to provide water as well as be a learning experience for the children who attend the school.
If you’re a student and would like to get involved, reach out to Kelsey! EIS meets every other week on Thursdays at 7pm.
The Institute for a Sustainable Environment is working to feature sustainability initiatives, like EIS’s efforts, taking place on campus. At Clarkson, we are committed to including sustainability in everything we do. If you have a project, story, or other sustainability work you’d like to share, please email Evelyn (