Call for Posters: Healthy Water Solutions Annual Meeting

The NYS Center of Excellence (CoE) in Healthy Water Solutions, led by Clarkson University and SUNY ESF, invites poster proposals from faculty and student researchers, agencies, non-profits, industry, associations, and anyone interested in the mission of the Center.

People gathered in atrium with research posters. NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions logo with text call for posters, due date March 21, 2025.

A key component of the NYS CoE in Health Water Solutions 3rd Annual Meeting is to provide an opportunity to share research, results, and make connections with potential partners in academia and outside entities. Poster topics should be water related, New York State relevant, and linked to at least one of the the following general areas:  

  • Technology development and research
  • Water science research
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Environmental justice
  • Education and outreach
  • Workforce development and training


LIGHTNING TALKS: The general session will include poster lightning talks (5 minutes each). You may select your interest to be considered for a lightning talk in the poster proposal form.

March 21, 2025: Deadline for submission of poster proposals
March 28, 2025: Notification on acceptance of proposals

Poster presenters will be required to also register for the meeting. A limited amount of travel reimbursement is available to student presenters. There is no fee to attend and meals are included.   

3rd Annual Meeting of the NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions
May 20-22, 2025
SUNY ESF Gateway Center

Syracuse, NY

This meeting will bring together researchers, partners and stakeholders for in depth discussions and networking as we looked to find cooperative ways to address current and emerging water issues in New York.

Who should attend?

  • Faculty and student researchers
  • Business and industry leaders in the water sector
  • Policy makers
  • Government agency scientists and regulators
  • Lake and watershed associations
  • Citizen scientists
  • Tech development companies
  • Anyone interested in the mission of the Center

Meeting details:


  1.  Fill out this short form:
  2.  Add to your safe sender list in your email client.

About NYS Centers of Excellence
NYS Centers of Excellence are funded by the New York State Department of Economic Development’s Division of Science, Technology, and Innovation (NYSTAR) to foster collaboration between the academic research community and the business sector to develop and commercialize new products and technologies, to promote critical private sector investment in emerging high-technology fields in New York State, and to create and expand technology-related businesses and employment.

Inquiries? Contact coe@healthywaters.orgor call 315-268-4017.