Participants Needed: ADHD Balance Testing Research

We are looking to recruit students to participate in a balance assessment study. The goal of this study is to test the differences in balance between subjects with medicated ADHD, unmedicated ADHD, and neurotypical. The study will involve one session per participant, lasting approximately 45 minutes. Participants will be compensated $20 upon completion of tasks. If you are interested in participating in the study or have any additional questions, please get in touch with Rose Leader at

Flyer reads: Clarkson University Green Logo. Title (First White trapezoid): Motion Analysis Lab. PARTICIPANTS NEEDED (Bold white letters) Task (Bold Yellow Letters): Participate in three tests where you will use their basic motor/balance skills. Subjects will spend about 45 minutes in the lab. Who is Eligible? (Bold Yellow Letters): 18-22 years old who: Must have been diagnosed with ADHD (either medicated or unmedicated), Have no additional health issues, Have no balance issues and no bone/joint injuries in the past 6 months that can impact their ability to perform standing tasks. Participants receive (Bold green letters) $20 (Yellow callout box) Compensation upon completion of task. Contact information (Bold Green Letters) Email: Where? (Bottom right corner, Bold green letters): Downtown Campus (Clarkson University) room 3102 Clarkson Hall; 59 Main St, Potsdam, NY 13676.
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