Clarkson University Assistant Professor Awarded National Science Foundation Grant

Clarkson University Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Behzad Behnia has been awarded a National Science Foundation grant for more than $150,000. Behnia was awarded the grant for his project titled, “EAGER: Investigating the Use of Spiral Cracking Pattern in Fracture Characterization of Soft Adhesive Materials.”

Behzad Behnia

“The main objective of this NSF project is to utilize spiral shaped cracking patterns as a powerful diagnostic tool to obtain valuable information about the composition and fracture behavior of soft adhesive materials,” said Behnia.

“It was a great feeling when I heard the good news about this NSF grant,” Behnia said. “Getting NSF funding is very competitive, and I really worked hard for this proposal for more than two years.”

The money from this grant will support one graduate student and two undergraduate researchers for two years.

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