Each year, the Clarkson Take It of Leave It program diverts tons of valuable material from the landfill by diverting usable goods and materials to members of our community through local nonprofits. Please consider donating and/or volunteering this Spring during the student move-out season! Faculty and Staff participation is highly encouraged!
The large TILI tent will be set up on the southlawn of the ERC from Friday, May 3rd until May 13th. You can drop off materials directly at this tent on work days between 10am – 4pm.
- What will we take?
- Textiles (dry and clean), high quality for reuse
- Textiles for recycling
- Appliances/electronics that are in working order for donation (hair dryers, microwaves, irons, phones, printers, computers) or…
- Furniture – no broken furniture – no pillows
- Food – Non Perishable, unopened
- Office supplies
- Household goods – No glass
- Electronic waste for recycling – PLEASE LABEL!!
- Volunteers are needed!
- Volunteers help:
- Transport materials from small tents around campus to main tent
- Sort and display items in main tent
- Sign- up at: https://signup.com/go/gMHBeas
- Volunteers help:
- We Donate to Local Nonprofits!
- Helping Hands, the Humane Society, and churches to take donated materials.
- Leftover items not taken by local groups will go to a nonprofit in Syracuse through a county organized partnership.
For more information contact Ashleigh Srymanske or Alex French.