FY20 Payroll Schedule and Student Hiring

The Fiscal Year 2020 Payroll Schedule can be found at https://intranet.clarkson.edu/administrative/hr/ . Please note the “CUT OFF DATE” is end of the business day. All Payroll Authorizations must be through the approval process including Human Resources by this date to be considered for payment. All reallocation requests must approved and received by the Payroll Office on this date.

Please review the following procedures for hiring student workers and share this information with all of the faculty and staff in your area that hire student workers. All work must be performed on campus.

Students must be registered for classes to be classified as student workers. When hiring a student worker please provide a Wage Rate Form filled out by the hiring manager. The form can be found at http://internal.clarkson.edu/sas/financial/documents/DOL.pdf. The hourly rate and overtime rate must be completed. Minimum wage is currently $11.10. The student takes the form to SAS to complete an I-9 (a Social Security card and Driver’s License will be needed or a Passport for identification purposes). SAS will give the student a hiring packet that the student fills out and takes to Payroll. If the student has worked for Clarkson before all they will need to do is take the completed Wage Rate form to Payroll. Once the student has completed the paperwork they are eligible to start working.

Please contact the Payroll Office for questions regarding setting up students in E-Time. It is the responsibility of the department to maintain the student employment records in E-time, including hiring, rates of pay, budgets and terminations. All E-time time cards must be reviewed, updated and approved by 8:30am on Monday of pay week. To cover vacations and leaves, at least one additional approver should be assigned to each student.

Students who graduate in May or are not returning for the next semester are not eligible to be hired as student workers. They must be hired as employees. Please contact Cassandra Washburn in HR for assistance with the hiring process.

Offers for non-student employment at Clarkson University can only be made after consulting with Human Resources and obtaining approval. This includes work on research grants and programs.

It is illegal to withhold pay or hold appointment authorizations until the work is completed.

The information in the prior two paragraphs is based upon federal and state regulations. Non compliance of these regulations is a violation of federal, state, immigration, labor, disability and compensation laws and will result in fines and penalties to Clarkson University.

If you have any questions please contact our office payroll@clarkson.edu X6664

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