SAVE THE DATE: Summer Research and Project Showcase (RAPS) on Friday, August 2

Summer Research and Project Showcase (RAPS)
Friday, August 2, 2019
Bertrand H. Snell Hall, ERC Atrium and Student Center Dining Room

All students at Clarkson University are invited to participate in the Summer Research and Project Showcase (RAPS).  RAPS provides both undergraduate and graduate students a forum for presentations of their research and academic projects, or other educational activities such as internships, co-ops and study abroad experiences.  The goal is to celebrate all forms of scholarship from all disciplines across our campuses and to provide an opportunity for a broad audience to appreciate work by Clarkson’s students. 

Students may give an oral and/or poster presentation.  Undergraduate oral presentations are 12 minutes each, including time for questions, while graduate oral presentations are 15 minutes total.  Posters are given in a combined session lasting 90 minutes.

The event is scheduled for 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM, with check-in starting at 7:30 AM.  Participants are expected to attend the entire day, including presentations, lunch, and closing awards reception.

More information will be available online mid-June.  Online Registration and Abstracts are due from students by Friday, July 12 at 12:00 noon

For more information please go to  If you have any questions, please contact Marcy Wilcox in the Honors Program- or 315-268-2290.

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