The Erasmus+ Exchange Program Between Clarkson and Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Goes On

Recently, Clarkson Chemistry & Biomolecular Science Associate Professor Costel C. Darie from and Associate Professor of Biology Marius Mihasan from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, have established an exchange program between the two universities. The program was designed to exchange two faculty/staff and two students between the respective institutions.

Left to right: Dr. Costel Darie (Clarkson) Dr. Alina Petre (Dept. of Chemistry, Al I Cuza University Iasi, Romania) and Dr. Marius Mihasan (Dept. of Biology, Al I Cuza University Iasi, Romania) and Dr. Jim Peploski (Clarkson), Dr. Alina Petre (Dept. of Chemistry, Al I Cuza University Iasi, Romania) and Dr. Marius Mihasan (Dept. of Biology, Al I Cuza University Iasi, Romania)

Last year, Cristiana Dumbraveanu, a master student in Biology from Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, became the first Erasmus+ person to benefit from the program. In addition, Drs. Hritcu and Stefan, professors of Biology from Al. I. Cuza University came at to Clarkson last June as Erasmus+ fellows, while Dr. Darie, visited Iasi.

In May of this year, Dr. Brindusa Alina Petre, Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Al. I. Cuza University came to Clarkson, while Dr. Jim Peploski, Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science of Clarkson visited the Department of Biology in Iasi.

“The Erasmus+ exchange program gave me the opportunity to teach in a different educational environment and to learn about the people and culture of Romania.  It was an extraordinary experience,” said Peploski. The Erasmus+ Program is designed to strengthen the collaborations and exchange of faculty and staff and students between European and US universities. The team hopes this program will attract even more students and faculty from Clarkson and Iasi.

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