Reminder – Strategic Planning Update & Key Dates


The Task Force Teams continue to work on drafting the Playing to Win Strategy Cascades using the initial list of strategic possibilities – these headlines of strategic ideas –  that were generated from the various campus community and board inputs. The Task Force Teams task at this stage is to articulate the details for each of these headlines – in other words, the goal right now is to begin building a compelling narrative for each within the Playing to Win strategy cascades template, capturing winning aspirations and highlighting opportunities for realigning overlapping ideas or potential results. 
As the teams work to build out the narratives for each there are a number of planned outreach activities to engage the broader Clarkson community into these conversations and to hear concerns and additional perspectives on the strategic ideas.  As promised, the team has drafted a communication plan, this is a living document on the intranet site, to provide a roadmap for strategic planning communications through each stage of the process.   
Upcoming Key Dates:  

Light refreshments will be provided at the town hall meetings. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. A feedback form is available here.  

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