Invitation to Participate in a Clarkson University Student Research Study

Hello fellow Clarkson University student,

You are receiving this email because you are a student at Clarkson University. Our names are Annie Liu and Emma Cummings, we are both second year Physician Assistant students and would like to invite you to participate in our research project. This questionnaire is part of a study to fulfill a course requirement for Supervised Practice-Clinical Research Elective (PA 609) and Physician Assistant Master’s Project (PA 611), and is for instructional purposes only. If you have questions about this survey, please contact Dr. Dawn White.

The title of our research is “Quality of Life of Graduate Students versus Undergraduate Students at Clarkson University.” This survey is anonymous and offers short multiple-choice questions concerning aspects of your quality of life and questions to gather demographic data.  In addition to quality of life questions, there will be questions pertaining to substance use, mental health, and academics. It should take about 14 minutes to complete. There will not be incentives or compensation with completion of the survey. Participation in this survey is completely voluntary, anonymous and greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns you may email us at

Thank you for your time!

Link to survey:

IRB approval number: #20-11

IRB contact:

Clarkson University Institutional Review Board (IRB) for human subjects research: (315) 268-3988 or

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