Clarkson University Libraries Workshop – Optimizing Online Presence

Dear Clarkson Faculty and Staff,

The Clarkson University Libraries will host a workshop for faculty, staff and graduate students next week regarding Optimizing Your Online Presence and Demonstrating Your Research Impact. 

The workshop, planned for Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 5:30pm will be in the Petersen Board Room or remotely via Zoom. 

In today’s scholarly climate, it is more important than ever for faculty and graduate students to be able to publicize and promote their work. But, given the rise of social media and alternative metrics, it is also becoming more challenging. The Clarkson University Librarians will showcase ways you can increase your scholarly visibility and demonstrate your research impact. Participants will also be given a chance to share their own tips and tricks for raising their public scholarly profile. 

Click here to add this session to your Google calendar.

For more details or to view recordings of past workshops visit:

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Lisa Hoover & Amber Amidon

Public Services Librarians 

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