Performance Management Refresher Training/Q&A

Performance evaluations are open!

The annual performance review season for all CU staff employees has begun. Performance reviews are an opportunity for staff and supervisors to step back from the day-to-day tasks to review past accomplishments and set clear goals for the future. 

People are at the core of CU, and to be successful, people need to know how they are doing and how they can improve. It is also an opportunity to celebrate accomplishments and think about how we can develop professionally.

The process starts with each staff member preparing a self-evaluation. As you write your self-evaluation, we encourage you to identify potential training and development opportunities to share with your supervisor in the performance discussion.

Based on employee feedback, this year CU is transitioning to a new performance review cycle. The 2019-20 review cycle runs from July 1, 2019- April 30, 2020. Going forward, all CU staff employees will complete two self-evaluations, one in November and a year-end evaluation in April.

Following is a recommended timeline for the first performance review process in the new fiscal year. December 1, 2019 is a hard deadline for Human Resources to receive preliminary performance ratings for all staff. 


November 15, 2019 – Employee self-evaluation due. Logon to: Link to PeopleSoft

November 29, 2019 – Supervisor reviews employee self-evaluation, drafts a performance appraisal, and meets with employee to discuss and finalize performance appraisals.

All written performance appraisals are due to Human Resources by December 1, 2019.

In order to provide you with necessary training, Human Resources has recorded a Performance Management Refresher Training video for you to use a training tool throughout the evaluation process. That video can be found here, or under the quick links section on the HR, Payroll and Employee Inclusion page on the intranet – the link is titled “Performance Management Refresher Training.”  In addition to the online training video, Human Resources will be holding a series of Q&A sessions for you to attend should you have any questions about the evaluation process. Please see the schedule of these sessions below.

  • Wednesday, October 16, 2019 – 1:00p-2:00p in CAMP 172
  • Tuesday, October 22, 2019 – 9:00a-10:00a in BH Snell 241
  • Thursday, October 24, 2019 – 1:00p-2:00p in CAMP 172
  • Monday, October 28, 2019 – 9:30a-10:30a in Rowley Lab 142
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2019 – 1:30p-2:30p in Rowley Lab 142

** Managers are encouraged to have employees attend one of these Q&A sessions, especially those employees who are new the process.

If you have any questions regarding the appraisal process, please contact Diane Letourneau at

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