Strategic Planning Update

Dear Campus Community, 
As you know, Clarkson has adopted the Playing to Win framework for the new strategic planning process.  Playing to Win was developed by A.G. Lafley, Roger Martin, and Jennifer Riel to identify strategic options and define the key ingredients for success based on five key questions that form an interconnected cascade.  The framework asks us to imagine the future by identifying the problem we are trying to solve. In short, it is this: How can we raise the reputational profile of Clarkson University, increasing the institutions’ national relevance and impact; this is our strategic challenge.  
Attached you will find the four strategic themes that were revealed through the work of the Key Stakeholders & Community Task Force Team, Marketing & Branding Task Force Team, and the Infrastructure & Services Task Force Team and the various faculty, staff, student, and alumni feedback.  These themes represent a consolidation of the initial strategic headlines that were generated by the campus community and Board inputs over the past four months.  A compelling narrative has been developed capturing a possible winning aspiration, the strategic focus, how Clarkson can win, and what would be needed to win for each theme. 
We would like to ask you to please review the attached strategic themes and provide your feedback by Friday, December 6, 2019 using the Strategic Planning Feedback Form found here:
Once we receive the feedback, a final iteration of the strategic cascades working deck will be completed.  At this point, the Task Force Teams will be working on generating the top 3 most worrisome conditions for each strategic theme (why it would not work), which we will again reach out to the campus community for feedback on.  This feedback will help us firm up our conditions allowing us to then move into the next stage of the process, testing, and begin our deeper dive into research, data, and input, which will take us through the remaining Spring semester. 
We hope this information is helpful.  You can find more detailed and supporting information on the strategic planning process located on the Blog.  On behalf of the Core Strategic Planning Team, thanks to each of you for your continued enthusiasm, engagement, and support as we proceed through the planning process.  We’ll be scheduling some additional town halls through November, December, and January.  Please stay tuned for those dates and times.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  


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