Floor Work Planned for Area Near Concrete Cafe

During the upcoming break, new flooring is scheduled to be installed in the corridor along the Concrete CafĂ©.  This work will include asbestos abatement as part of the removal of the existing product.  On Tuesday, December 10, abatement signage will be posted.  Abatement should take approximately three business days beginning on Monday, December 23.  During this time the area in red below will be isolated and completely off limits.  The stairway indicated below will not be accessible.  The elevator will remain available. 

Once AAC is finished with abatement they will completely open up the corridor allowing traffic through the area.  Wilson Flooring will then proceed to install the new product and this area will again be closed to traffic until their work is finished on or before January 8, 2020.

Please email facilities@clarkson.edu if you have any questions or concerns. 

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