Message from Provost Hannigan – Prof. Michael Twiss as Chair of the Department of Biology

It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Michael Twiss as chair of the department of biology effective January 12, 2020.  Prof. Twiss will assume the chairship as former chair Tom Langen steps into the role of interim dean of the school of    arts and sciences. Prof. Twiss received his BSc from Trent University, his PhD from Université du Québec – INRS-ETE (Eau), and a postdoctoral fellowship at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) (the highlight of his career I am sure since he overalapped with me). Michael’s research focuses on winter limnology and the development of novel approaches to year-round remote sensing of water quality.  He has brought in over $2M in external funding and has published over 75 peer-reviewed manuscripts.  His professional service includes leadership of the Great Lakes science advisory boards (US EPA, International Joint Commission) where his professional expertise has ensured protection of these crucial waterways. He has received numerous accolades for his research and leadership including the Premier’s   Research Excellence Award from his home province of Ontario. And of course, as any good Canadian and Clarkson faculty member should know, Michael really likes hockey from playing to watching to talking about it all of the time.

Please join me in welcoming Michael to his new role at the university.

Robyn Hannigan
Clarkson University
302 Science Center
CU Box 5505
8 Clarkson Avenue
Potsdam, NY 13699
315.268.6544 (C. Smith Assistant to the Provost)
315.268.4430 (Direct)

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