Introduction to Aikido Workshop

Introduction to Aikido Workshop, Sunday, February 2nd, 3-5 pm and classes continue at that time through the semester.  Aikido, ‘The Way of Harmony’, is a martial art that teaches participants how to respond to conflict without resorting to force or more conflict; it teaches the strength to choose peace and harmony. Aikido develops body, mind and spirit and enhances fitness, grace and calm.   The emphasis on mutual respect fosters a supportive learning environment that promotes self-confidence and relaxation. No prior experience necessary.  This introductory workshop will allow participants to experience, observe, and learn about Aikido. To participate, just come to the Fitness Center Aerobics Room class wearing loose-fitting clothes, such as sweatpants and a t-shirt, no jewelry. For questions, contact Cameron at  Introduction to Aikido Sword Practice class starting Friday, February 7th, 7-8 pm and continuing weekly at that time.Please contact Alex Christiansen, at if you are interested in the sword class.

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