
Faculty Seminars & Faculty-Student Dialogues

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Faculty Seminars & Faculty-Student DialoguesAssociated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley The Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley is now accepting proposals for Faculty Seminars and Faculty/Student Dialogues to be held in Spring 2025. This funding is available for inter-university convenings around academic subjects:  Faculty Seminars: The Faculty Seminars program provides up to $1,000 to bring […]

FAQ about the COACHE Survey

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The COACHE survey is currently underway. If you have already completed the survey – thank you.  We have provided this FAQ to address your questions related to the survey  How do I find the survey?You can search your Inbox for “coachefaculty@abtsurvey.com” (the sender of the message with your customized link), or for “Help Clarkson assess

Stephenson Awarded Herbert Vaughan Distinguished Lectureship

All Announcements Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Amber Stephenson, Associate Professor and Director of Healthcare Management Graduate Programs in the Reh School of Business, gave the Distinguished Herbert W. Vaughan Lecture at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, medical ground rounds on Friday March 1.   Moderated by Dr. Thomas Lee of Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Press Ganey, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital,

Call for participation — regional math conference MCCNNY 2024, Sat, March 2, 2024

All Announcements Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Dear Students and Faculty,  Once every two years, Clarkson hosts MCCNNY (Mathematics Conference and Competition of Northern New York) with associated colleges. Everyone who uses math in their project is welcome! You don’t have to be a math major to be involved in this conference! All undergraduate, graduate students and faculty from northern New York are invited

Call for participation — regional math conference MCCNNY 2024, Sat, March 2, 2024

All Announcements Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Dear Students and Faculty,  Once every two years, Clarkson hosts MCCNNY (Mathematics Conference and Competition of Northern New York) with associated colleges. Everyone who uses math in their project is welcome! You don’t have to be a math major to be involved in this conference! All undergraduate, graduate students and faculty from northern New York are invited

Call for participation — regional math conference MCCNNY 2024, Sat, March 2, 2024

All Announcements Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Dear Students and Faculty,  Once every two years, Clarkson hosts MCCNNY (Mathematics Conference and Competition of Northern New York) with associated colleges. Everyone who uses math in their project is welcome! You don’t have to be a math major to be involved in this conference! All undergraduate, graduate students and faculty from northern New York are invited

Call for participation — regional math conference MCCNNY 2024, Sat, March 2, 2024

All Announcements Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Dear Students and Faculty,  Once every two years, Clarkson hosts MCCNNY (Mathematics Conference and Competition of Northern New York) with associated colleges. Everyone who uses math in their project is welcome! You don’t have to be a math major to be involved in this conference! All undergraduate, graduate students and faculty from northern New York are invited

2024 Fuzehub Manufacturing Grant Applications now OPEN

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The 2024 Fuzehub Manufacturing Grant program is now accepting applications. As of January 15th, faculty members have the opportunity to apply for grants providing up to $65,000 to support the commercialization of new technology and aid in the growth of New York State manufacturers. The Fuzehub Manufacturing Grant program aims to bridge the gap between

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