
STEM LEAF/ADVANCE March 2023 Newsletter

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Welcome to the March edition of the STEM LEAF/ADVANCE Newsletter!  Clarkson’s NSF ADVANCE grant is designed  1) to effect positive institutional change around reduction of implicit or unintentional bias associated with gender and intersectional issues of race, ethnicity, country of origin, sexual orientation, and disability,  2) to systematically and equitably support the development of inclusive […]

Faculty Senate meeting: Monday 04/03/2023 4pm

All Announcements Beacon Faculty Capital Faculty Potsdam Faculty

Dear Colleagues, The next Faculty Senate meeting will be Monday, April 03, at 4 pm in Zoom.  The agenda packet for the upcoming meeting is attached here including minutes from the last meeting. Please consider attending and/or reviewing the agenda packet and sending feedback to your Faculty Senate representatives. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://clarkson.zoom.us/j/94266266916?pwd=QjM2cEhXRkdCbjBSNXgyR1dMRExxdz09 Meeting ID: 942

Faculty Senate meeting: Monday 03/20/2023 4pm

All Announcements Beacon Faculty Capital Faculty Potsdam Faculty

Dear Colleagues, The next Faculty Senate meeting will be Monday, March 20, at 4 pm in Zoom.  The agenda packet for the upcoming meeting is attached here including minutes from the last meeting. Please consider attending and/or reviewing the agenda packet and sending feedback to your Faculty Senate representatives. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://clarkson.zoom.us/j/94266266916?pwd=QjM2cEhXRkdCbjBSNXgyR1dMRExxdz09 Meeting ID: 942

Clarkson 2023 Team Science Projects Planning Grant (TSPPG)Proposals Due March 22

All Announcements Beacon Faculty Capital Faculty Potsdam Faculty

Please see additional details on the Moodle page.  Note we have just posted the rubric that will be used for Phase I proposals.   https://moodle.clarkson.edu/course/view.php?id=28542#section-3 Click <<Enroll As Student>> Detailed description: Clarkson’s Sponsored Research Services (SRS), in partnership with our internal Research Advisory Committee (RAC), is launching an effort for the second year to support faculty

How to help save the University money!

All Announcements Beacon Faculty Capital Faculty Potsdam Faculty

Dear colleagues, In December, we received an announcement about a training surrounding “Fostering Mental Health.” I’m writing to urge you to complete that training. Yes, trainings are time consuming. However, this one is important to our financial stability. If a certain number of employees complete the training, we receive a sizable discount on our University liability

Are you interested in teaching in the Ignite Classroom?

All Announcements Beacon Faculty Capital Faculty Potsdam Faculty

Are you a faculty member that incorporates innovative and experiential opportunities in your classroom? Are you utilizing or hoping to use the Dorf Makerspace or Media Production Center in your classes? If so, Ignite is looking for you!  The classroom originated based on donor intent to give students hands-on, collaborative experiences in a true cocurricular

Catalyst Discussion March 9

All Announcements Potsdam Faculty

CAMP will be hosting a series of “CAMP Catalyst Discussions” again this semester. These informal discussions highlight the research activities of faculty who have an interest in materials (broadly defined) and aim to increase interactions/collaborations between faculty and look for synergies and research funding opportunities.  The second of the Discussions for this semester will be held on Thursday, March

Are you interested in teaching in the Ignite Classroom?

All Announcements Beacon Faculty Capital Faculty Potsdam Faculty

Are you a faculty member that incorporates innovative and experiential opportunities in your classroom? Are you utilizing or hoping to use the Dorf Makerspace or Media Production Center in your classes? If so, Ignite is looking for you!  The classroom originated based on donor intent to give students hands-on, collaborative experiences in a true cocurricular

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