Drug Free Schools and Communities Act

From:  The President’s office and Campus Safety & Security. R.E.:   Drug Free Schools and Communities Act. Each year, drinking affects college students, as well as college communities, and families. The consequences of drinking include: Death: 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die each year from alcohol-related unintentional injuries. Assault: More than 690,000 students between the … Continue reading Drug Free Schools and Communities Act

Try something new!

Enjoy new dining specials on campus! ALL WEEK • Fiestacado Salad at the Vegetarian Station in the Servery • Spanakopita Quesadilla at the Vegetarian Station in the Servery • Turkey Cobb Burger at the Grill in the Servery • Tuna Melt at the Panini Station in the Servery  • Caprése Panini at the Panini Station … Continue reading Try something new!

Shipley Center Open Office Hours

Hello, This semester the Shipley Center will be holding open office hours for students who seek help with their entrepreneurial ideas or already existing businesses. We will be officially beginning these office hours this week and they will be occurring at the times listed below for the remainder of the semester. These office hours will … Continue reading Shipley Center Open Office Hours

Add/Drop Reminder

This is a reminder that we are now past the 10th class day, and the add period has ended. In addition, self-service add/drop through PeopleSoft has been turned off and all permission numbers have expired. The electronic add/drop form in PeopleSoft is now available for UNDERGRADUATE students to use. Instructions for using the electronic forms: https://intranet.clarkson.edu/student-life/sas/forms/ The … Continue reading Add/Drop Reminder

Research Recruitment

Physician Assistant students, Julieth Alvarez Garcia, Phylicia Taladay, Seema Teymouri, Christina Vogel-Rosbrook and Chelsea Yeager are looking for people willing to participate in a research study to look at the link between cognition, postural control and gait. You must be between the ages of 18-69 years, able to walk without an assisted device and not … Continue reading Research Recruitment

Physical Therapy Department looking for parent and child volunteers

The Physical Therapy Department is looking for parent and child volunteers to participate in a casual instructional setting where Clarkson Physical Therapy students can learn about normal childhood development and how to motivate children in physical therapy activities. The children we are currently seeking are between the ages of birth and two years of age. … Continue reading Physical Therapy Department looking for parent and child volunteers

Faculty Services – International Center

Dear Faculty: On behalf of the International Center, we hope your semester is off to a positive start. As we begin a new year, our staff wanted to reach out to provide a short list of services that we offer specifically for faculty. Faculty exchange abroad (short-term, semester or sabbatical) – We have a number of … Continue reading Faculty Services – International Center

New staff – Division of Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs is pleased announce the addition of new staff members, as well as recent promotions. Please join me in welcoming our new members to the Clarkson Community and congratulating our current staff on their new roles. AccessABILITY Services Jessica Ayott, Coordinator   Campus Safety & Security  Gerald Bova,  Safety & Security … Continue reading New staff – Division of Student Affairs

Please Keep Campus Fire Lanes Clear

We are aware that finding a parking space on campus can sometimes be challenging, and the University continues to look for ways to improve parking arrangements on campus. However, we want to remind you that parking in a fire lane on campus is still prohibited as it is against New York State law.  The purpose … Continue reading Please Keep Campus Fire Lanes Clear

Fitness Class Schedule Fall 2018

FITNESS CLASS SCHEDULE/ FALL 2018 REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Space is  limited. CU employees and members, register online at Fitness Class Registration   FITNESS FUSION Instructor:  SHANNON DESROSIERS Cost: $90, 18 classes total Monday & Wednesday: 12:10-12:50pm Want to get in the best shape of your life and maximize your calorie burn? Want to tone and strengthen … Continue reading Fitness Class Schedule Fall 2018